Monday, February 10, 2025

A Housing Crisis Is Unfolding For Many Older People

A housing crisis is unfolding for many older people

The Australian welfare system, including the Age Pension, was designed on the assumption that older people own their home and can age there.

But the latest National Seniors Australia research has shown this to be far from true for many of us.

In February this year, the 11th National Seniors Social Survey, or NSSS-11, asked more than 5,300 people aged 50 and over about their housing situation.

It revealed housing affordability concerns plague two-thirds of us, and more than half are living in homes unsuitable for later life because they need modifications, security of tenure, or assistance to manage their size.

The findings are consistent with the alarm bells already ringing across the country about rental and mortgage crises, showing they affect older people as well as the young.

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