Monday, February 10, 2025

Tag: Research and reports

Government Report Card on Community Services, Housing and Homelessness Released

The Productivity Commission has published the first set of data for its 2022 Report on Government Services (ROGS), with the goal of sharing data across jurisdictions to improve future service delivery.

A range of indicators were used to assess the performance of governments in delivering the 17 services, including equity, efficiency and effectiveness of services.

Data on community services and housing and homelessness were the first to be released, canvassing aged care, disability, child protection and youth justice.

Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey: 2020

The 16th annual Demographia International Housing Affordability annual survey, presented by the e Urban Reform Institute and the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, covers 309 metropolitan housing markets (metropolitan areas) in eight countries (Australia, Canada, China [Hong Kong Only], Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States) for the third quarter of 2019. Ninety-two major metropolitan markets (housing markets) are evaluated, including three megacities, with more than 10 million residents, New York, London and Los Angeles.

Download the full report.


AIHW releases Housing assistance in Australia 2017 report

The Australian Institute of Health & Welfare has published its report titled Housing assistance in Australia 2017 which provides up-to-date information relating to government funded provision of social housing, rent assistance, home purchase assistance and support services to help households maintain their tenancies.

Secure and affordable housing is fundamental to the wellbeing of all Australians. It provides a platform for many of life’s benefits, including stable employment, connection to the community and a sense of home. Unfortunately, many Australians are not able to access affordable, suitable housing with their own economic and social resources. Assistance provided by governments and community organisations is available to eligible Australians who may have difficulties securing stable and affordable housing – this support is collectively referred to as housing assistance.

Key findings in the report include:

  • 845,400 tenants lived in social housing in 2016
  • 194,600 households were on social housing waiting lists in 2016

For further details on the AIHW report click here.